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The Student News Site of Fort Collins High School

Spilled Ink

The Student News Site of Fort Collins High School

Spilled Ink

The Student News Site of Fort Collins High School

Spilled Ink

Jillian Jones

Jillian Jones, Staff Writer

Jillian Jones is a senior at Fort Collins high school. This is her first year as a spilled ink staff member and is excited to see where it takes her. Jillian enjoys drawing, writing, and playing dungeons and dragons in her downtime. Her favorite class subjects are science and English and will be attending Fort Lewis College in Durango next year. Her dream job is to work as a forensic scientist and continue writing when she has time. She is currently working on a comic and several writing projects and is excited to learn more about journalism.

Favorite Food: Peanut Butter and Jelly

Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride

Favorite Color: Yellow

Favorite Animal: Blue Jay

Favorite Candy: 3 Musketeers

Favorite TV show: Brooklyn 99

Favorite Musician/Band: The Regrettes

Dream Trip: Ireland

All content by Jillian Jones